Chandrayaan 3 Highlights | Pragyan rover rolls out successfully near Moon's south pole

Chandrayaan 3 Highlights: The Chandrayaan-3's lander module has successfully touched down on the Moon's south pole, making India the first nation in the world to achieve this feat. India is also the fourth nation, after the United States, China and Russia to have landed on the Moon. Emotions ran high at ISRO's Bengaluru mission control on the historic moment.

Chandrayaan Rockets: Four stocks involved in the moon mission add nearly Rs 2,000 crore in market cap this week

Stocks like Centum Electronics, MTAR Tech, Midhani, Paras Defence, which were involved in India's successful Chandrayaan mission in some way or the other, continued to extend their gains on Thursday, a day after the Chandrayaan made a successful landing on the Moon's south pole.

Chandrayaan-3 | ISRO chief S Somanath on Aditya L-1 and Gaganyaan mission

"Aditya mission to the Sun and it is getting ready for launch in September. Gaganyaan is still a work in progress. We will do a mission possibly by the end of September or October to demonstrate the crew module & crew escape capability which will be followed by many test missions until we do the first manned mission possibly by 2025."

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Wednesday evening, following the Vikram lander's successful landing on the Moon tweeted, "Chandrayaan-3 Mission: 'India, I reached my destination and you too!': Chandrayaan-3"

India becomes first country to touchdown on moon's south pole region

 "We have achieved soft landing on moon. India is on the Moon!" exclaimed the ISRO chief S Somnath after the country achieved a lunar touchdown.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who joined the landing event

virtually from live from South Africa congratulated ISRO and the

team of scientists. "Like our scientists said, India is on the Moon


This achievement marks India's entry into an elite group of four nations that have touched the moon's surface. Besides India, U.S., Russia and China are the only countries to successfully land a spacecraft on the lunar surface.

In addition, after the recent failure of Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft, India has also secured the distinction of being the first nation to reach the previously uncharted south pole of Earth's natural satellite.

Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission Chandrayaan-2, and its objectives included; demonstrate safe and soft-landing on the lunar surface, roving on the Moon, and to conduct in-situ scientific experiments.

ISRO's previous Moon mission Chandrayaan-2 had failed in its lunar phase when its lander Vikram' crashed into the surface of the minutes before the touch down following anomalies in the braking system in the lander while attempting a landing on September 7, 2019. Chandrayaan's maiden mission was in 2008.

The Rs 615 crore third Moon mission was launched on July 14 onboard Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM-3) rocket, for a 1-day voyage to reach near the lunar south pole.

ISRO Chairman S Somanath had recently said the most critical part of the landing will be the process of reducing the velocity of the lander from 30 km height to the final landing, and the ability to reorient the spacecraft from horizontal to vertical direction. "This is the trick we have to play here," he said.

After the soft-landing, the rover will descend from the lander's belly, onto the Moon's surface, using one of its side panels, which will act as a ramp. On landing the lander may have to face the challenge of lunar dust due to firing of onboard engines close to lunar surface. The lander and rover will have a mission life of one lunar day (about 14 earth days) to study the surroundings there. However, ISRO officials do not rule out the possibility of them coming to life for another lunar day.

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